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The Grymer/Sterner® toggle suture LDA repair method was introduced in 1982 to bridge the gap between the blind stitch method (early '70's) and the full laparotomy abomasopexy method ('50's). The main advantage of the Grymer/Sterner® method over the blind stitch method is that it allows the surgeon to accurately identify that the abomasum has been correctly stabilized by using anatomical landmarks, and by testing the Ph of the abomasum. It employs the speed and minimal invasiveness of the blind stitch method, coupled with the accuracy and effectiveness of the full laparotomy.

While toggle repair of LDA has shown to be 80-90% successful, it is important to keep in mind that no LDA surgery is 100% guaranteed to have a successful outcome, whether repaired by open surgery or the toggle method. Many factors contribute to successful outcomes, including the skill of the veterinarian, wise selection of the cow for the procedure, and any concurrent diseases or pre-existing conditions that the cow has at the time of the repair.

The Grymer/Sterner® toggle suture method has been performed successfully on hundreds of thousands of cows diagnosed with LDA's since its inception, with comparable success rates achieved by the full laparotomy. [References]



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