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Do have all cows vaccinated well ahead of the LDA repair for clostridial diseases.
Don't perform this procedure where there is a likelihood of adhesions or preexisting peritonitis.
Do give beta-lactam antibiotics 1-2 hours before anticipated surgery.
Don't perform this repair method on animals with compromised respiratory capacity.

Do pull test each suture before use and check for any obvious and visible ‘fraying’ of the suture material. Cosmetic bends or kinks in the suture material will not reduce the strength of the suture itself.

Don't tranquilize when it is not essential for the safety of the cow or the practitioner. Best results occur when the cow stands following repair and is ready to resume normal feeding.
Do place weight on the abdominal wall BEFORE forcing the trocar/cannula through the abdomen. This will help to ensure that the abomasum is in its proper anatomical location and tight against the abdominal wall.
Don't pull too hard on the toggle string after it has turned perpendicular to the cannula. The edges of the needle are very sharp and could sever the toggle string.
Do check the Ph of the abomasums when ever possible, using a Ph strip or Ph tester, to make sure you are not in the rumen!
  Don't toggle the cow if your Ph sample reads >5. In such cases, it is best to remove any toggles and re-evaluate the cow, as you may have inserted the toggle into the rumen.

Do be careful when handling the trocar/cannula when it is in cold sterilization. The tip is very sharp.

button Don't perform this repair method without adequate assistance...the safety of the practitioner and the cow is paramount.
Do perform the LDA procedure on a deeply bedded surface or on a soft earth surface.

Do always leave 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) of suture material before tying the knots. This allows for normal shifting and swelling of the abomasum after repair.
Do always have adequate assistance.      


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